Thursday 2 May 2013

Letter of complaint Pizza Day

Dear, Director

I am writting this letter to complain about the Pizza Day.

I would like to complain about the menu, this kind of food is unhealthy and they cause obesity in children although all the childen love them.
Doughnuts and sugary drinks pizza are free of nutriment. So I request to find an issue more nutritional and healthy, like fish, chicken,veggies and fruits, very appropriated to the chidren and help them to grow up healthily.

I would appreciate to consider changing your menu by healthy food.
Thank you in advance and for your quick reaction.


Tuesday 9 April 2013

Morocco Holiday August 2012

Last year for my vacation I went to Morocco, and Paris for 3 weeks. I headed off from Vancouver to Paris just to connect, them I was suppose to take another airplane to Morocco. Unfortunatly, I missed this one. It was really annoying because all my familly was waiting for me.

So the next day I took the first airplane to Tanger. The weather was absolutly fabulous.
When I finally showed up, my sister, my brother in law, my brother and my nephews came to give me a ride.
I was really pleased to see them.

We had a ball together at the beach and at Chefchaouen, a small village on the montain.

Finally we attended my cousin's wedding at Meknes, the city where I used to live for almost 10 years.
Every thing was out of this world.

Thursday 4 April 2013

My spring Break

During my spring break passed very quickly, I worked all those two weeks. The only good part was my birthday I spend all my day with my friends we got diner at an italian restaurent and we went to gastown for a reggae show, it was very fun we had really a good time.
And the last week of spring break i had a chance to enjoy the sun, so i spend every day outside with my friends.
At work now is getting very busy because of the weather so my boss decide to open the patio it a good thing for the restaurent cause of the slow two weeks of spring break.